Working With Professionals

MagRehab provides advice, assessments and servicing to professionals such as Occupational Therapists and Case Workers. We provide a complete service for everyone’s needs and peace of mind – from initial assessment and bespoke products through to maintenance and ongoing support.

Clinical Assesments

Our experienced team of dedicated professionals is committed to providing individuals with disabilities a customised service to enhance the quality of their life.

Assistive Technology

Assisting rehabilitation professionals working with adults and adolescents with disabilities choose the best technology to help them reach their goals.

Supporting Professionals

We understand the challenges faced by care providers, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists and strive to solve public and private sector pressures.

Enhancing quality of life

At MagRehab, we take great pride in supporting individuals with disabilities and are fully committed to our mission of enhancing their overall quality of life. Our team is equipped with years of experience and expertise providing highly customised support services that cater to our clients’ specific requirements.

The MagRehab philosophy is centered on reducing barriers for all members of the disability community. Our recommendations and quotes are transparent, easily accessible and provide comprehensive clinical assesments for our clients, case managers, expert witnesses and local authorities alike.

Finding the right solutions

Our assistive technology services support clinicians and rehabilitation professionals who work with adults and teenagers with disabilities. Our team of experts can help find the right technology solutions to improve quality of life and enable our clients to reach their full potential and achieve life goals.

We understand that everyone is different, so we work closely to understand an individuals needs and tailor our services to meet those needs. Whether you need help selecting and using new technology tools, or just some ongoing support and training, we offer a wide range of services to help you succeed.

Supporting healthcare professionals

At MagRehab we take great pride in putting our clients first and ensuring that their needs are always met. We believe that our success is directly tied to the satisfaction of our clients and we never compromise on the quality of service that we provide. However, the needs of healthcare professionals who support our end users are also a priority for us.

We recognise the importance of supporting healthcare professionals who care for our end users. We undertand the unique challenges that these professionals face on a daily basis. The pressure of managing patient care within a confusing regulatory environment can be overwhelming and we’re committed to providing the support required to succeed.