Assistive Equipment Rehabilitation Specialists

Manual Bariatric Wheelchairs

Rigid, folding, active, tilt-in-space and bariatric manual wheelchairs – to regain your freedom.

The Invacare Action Ampler is a multi-award-winning manual wheelchair is specifically designed to cater for the needs of bariatric or plus sized ...
Price from
£ 2,300
(incl. VAT)
The Sunrise Quickie Iris is a flagship tilt-in-space manual wheelchair that offers some of the highest levels of tilt available with up ...
Price from
£ 3,895
(incl. VAT)
The Invacare Rea Azalea is a market leading tilt-in-space wheelchair that healthcare professionals across the nation are familiar with. ...
Price from
£ 2,274
(incl. VAT)